Heart Touching Status in English
Heart Touching Status in English
There are 2 reasons why people can hurt you: 1.You really care about them, or 2.They don’t really care about you.
I don’t know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every part of my body is broken too.
One thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.
Is very bored of being bored, because being bored is boring that`s why i post this boring status because I`m bored of being bored and being bored is boring!
Let’s commit the perfect crime: I steal your heart and you steal mine.
Before you go pointing your fingers at someone else, you may want to make sure your own hands are clean.
Every time I see your name come up on my phone, I smile and my heart starts to beat just a little faster.
Some people are more interested in other people’s lives than their own.
Find a person who can change your daily life, not your marital status.
A lovely dress can transform the personality, but beautiful habit can change Life!!
Each time I start trusting someone, they show me why I shouldn’t.
Only you can put teeth on my face when I’m unhappy.
I hate as soon as when out of the blue my anger becomes my tears.
My silence is merely another expression of the pain
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