Clever Status in English
Clever Status in English
I am type of person, who wants to get good Marks, but doesn’t want to study!
When I ask you to listen a song, it’s because the lyrics mean everything I’m trying to say to you…
I need a lifetime lover, not a night time lover.
I wish I could Google the things I have misplaced.
If being #Hot is a #Crime = ARREST ME!
I don’t hate school. I just hate the teachers, the homework, the exams and waking up early in the morning.
Everyone is looking for a strong person, nobody needs a clever one.
Choices, chances. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.
I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.
Hi – I’m the girl of your dreams. Someone said you were looking for me.
Don’t judge me. I was born to be awesome not perfect.
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
If you walk away and nobody calls you back – you walk in the right direction…
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to Dance in the Rain…
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Clever Status in Hindi
Clever Status in Hindi
एक समझदार व्यक्ति वह है, जो दुसरों के गुणों और विशेषताओं को देखता है, उनसे सीखता है। न की दुसरों से तुलना या ईर्ष्या करता है।
बुद्धि की शक्ति उसके उपयोग में है, विश्राम में नहीं।
चालाकी का अर्थ बुद्धिमानी नहीं।
बुद्धिमानी वह है, जो वर्तमान को ठीक प्रकार से समझे और परिस्थितियों के अनुसार आचरण करे।
इंसान तो हर घर में पैदा होते हैं, बस इंसानियत कहीं-कहीं जन्म लेती हैं.
कुछ लड़कियाँ तो इस कदर ख़ूबसूरत होती हैं,कि लड़के अपने मन में ही, खुद को रिजेक्ट कर लेते हैं.
कोई तेरे साथ नही तो भी गम ना कर, दुनियाँ में खुद से बढ़कर कोई हमसफ़र नही होता.
लाखों ठोकरों के बाद भी संभलता रहूँगा मैं, गिर कर फिर उठूँगा और चलता रहूँगा मैं.
अपनी तकदीर में बस यही सिलसिले है, “किसी ने वक्त गुजारने के लिए अपना बनाया” और “किसी ने अपना बना के वक्त गुजार लिया
आपके Mobile के खराबी के कारण मेरा Status नहीं दिख पा रहा है, कृपया Mobile Change करें
भगवान सच में बहोत ही Creative है, मेरा मतलब है… मुझे देखो
मेंने किसी के Whatsapp पर Status देखा “Sleeping”…. पिछले 3 दिन तक वही रहा,… अब क्या समझना… क्या वो मर गया
जरूरी नही कि जिनमें साँसे नही वो ही मुर्दा हैं, जिनमें इंसानियत नही हैं, वो भी तो मुर्दा हैं…
सिर्फ इतना ही फ़र्क पड़ा है बड़े होने के बाद… पहले आती थी – अब लाता हूँ “चेहरे पर हँसी”
अगर कोई आपकी मदद कर सकता हैं, तो वो हैं “सिर्फ आप”.
लम्हें बेचकर पैसे तो आ गये, अब बताओ किस दूकान पर ख़ुशी मिलेगी?
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Winter Status in Hindi
Winter Status in Hindi
अर्ज किया है… सारी सारी रात गुजर जाती है, बस इसी कस्मकस में की…ये साली रजाई में, हवा किधर से घुस रही है…. !!!
मुझे मत ढूँढों इस जहां की तन्हाई में…अरे !!! ठंड बहोत है… मैं तो हूँ अपनी रजाई में..
सभी दोस्तो से एक request है कि ठंड मे मत पियो वरना कही पी के कही पड़ गये तो…लोग होश मे लाने के लिए एक बालटी पानी डाल के नहला देगे भाई….
चेतावनी- ठंडी के मौसम तक गुडमार्निंग संदेश दोपहर 12.00 बजे तक स्वीकारे जायेंगे..
सुबह ठंडा पानी डाल कर उठाना यह आतंकवादी हमले के बराबर माना जायेगा…
रजाई खींचना देशद्रोह के बराबर…
उसके बाद किसी ने चाय नही पिलायी तो “असहिष्णुता माना” जाये…
ब्रेकींग न्यूज – आनेवाले कड़ाके की ठण्डको देखते हुए केन्द्र सरकार का एक बड़ा फैसला,“नयाये हुए व्यक्ति को छुने वाला व्यक्ति भी नहाया हुआ माना जायेगा” जनहित में जारी…
Wife: ‘डार्लिंग देखो मैंने इसे पिछले 8 साल से नही पहना फिर भी इसकी फिटिंग वैसी की वैसी ही है.. Husband – कुछ तो खुदा का ख़ौफ़ कर साली ये शॉल है…… !!
फूलों की सुगंध, मूँगफली की बहार सर्दी का मौसम आने को तैयाररजाई,स्वेटर रखो तैयार हैप्पी सर्दी का मौसम मेरे यार.
कितना दर्द हैं दिल में दिखाया नही जाता, गंभीर हैं किस्सा सुनाया नही जाता, विडियो कॉल मत कर पगली, रजाई में से मुहँ निकाला नही जाता.
समझ में नही आता, सारी रात गुजर जाती हैं, रजाई में हवा किधर से घुस जाती हैं.
सीतल-सीतल वायु चली, आकाश हुआ सुहाना,जोकर भी व्हाट्सऐप पढ़ने लगे, शिक्षित हुआ ज़माना.
बैठ कर टॉयलेट में नबाब की जैसे, ठंडी के मौसम में सोचता हूँ ऐसे, कि बेटा, कर तो ली हैं तूने, अब ठंडे पानी से धोएगा कैसे.
लड़की रो-रो कर लड़के से कह रही हैं, हाथ छोड़ो, मेरी नाक बह रही हैं.
धूप भी खुल के कुछ नहीं कहती, रात ढलती नहीं थम जाती है.
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Kids Status in Hindi
Kids Status in Hindi
एक बच्चे को अपने स्वयं के ज्ञान तक मत सीमित कीजिये, क्योंकि वह एक दूसरे समय में पैदा हुआ था।
उत्तरदायित्व की जड़ें और स्वतंत्रता के पंख वे सर्वश्रेष्ठ उपहार हैं जो आप अपने बच्चों को दे सकते हैं।
हम इस बात की चिंता करते हैं कि एक बच्चा कल क्या बनेगा, पर हम भूल जाते हैं कि वह आज भी कुछ है।
एक सुखमय बचपन ने कितनी ही आशाजनक जिंदगियों को बिगाड़ा है।
मेरी माँ बच्चों से बहुत प्यार करती थी – वह कोई भी चीज़ दे सकती थी यदि बदले में मै रहा होता।
ऐसे किसी भी व्यक्ति को बच्चों को दुनिया में नहीं लाना चाहिये जो उनकी प्रकृति और शिक्षा में अंत तक अडिग रहने को तैयार नहीं है।
एक शिशु ईश्वर का वह विचार है कि जीवन चलते रहना चाहिये।
माता-पिता को न्याय में रुचि नहीं होती, उन्हें शांति और मौन में रुचि होती है।
बच्चों और महिलाओं से ही घर में खुशियाँ आती हैं,जहां बच्चों का अपमान होता है, समृद्धि उनके दरवाजे से लौट जाती है।
एक माँ दिन-रात अपने बच्चों के बारे में सोचती है, भले ही वे उसके साथ न हों और एक तरह से उन्हें प्यार करेंगे, वे कभी नहीं समझेंगे।
बच्चे कभी इतनी बड़ी बात कह देते हैं की हम आश्चर्य में पड़ जाते हैं।
बच्चे आपको भी बच्चे बनाने की ताकत रखते हैं। और कभी-कभी बना भी देते हैं।
बच्चे ऐसे सवाल भी पूछ सकते हैं जो हम सोच भी नहीं सकते।
बड़ी उम्र के लोग भी बच्चे ही होते हैं। बस थोड़े बड़े
जो बच्चा छोड़ आता है माँ के दामन का चमन जिंदगी उसके लिए फिर वीरान रहती है !
खूबसूरत था इस कदर कि महसूस ना हुआ…, की कैसे, कहाँ और कब मेरा बचपन चला गया ।
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Kids Status in English
Kids Status in English
Mommy, I’m sorry you’re tired! Just kidding. I don’t care…
I love my children. They are simply amazing and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
My children may not have everything they want in life, but they have a mom who loves them more than anything in the world.
We need to encourage our kids to have to eat real food – honest, nutritious, healthy food, less fast food. Less junk food. Any they need to see us eating healthy by example.
A child has a special day of adding joy to every day!
My children are a blessing and they make my life worth living!
I love asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up… cause, you know… I’m still looking for ideas.
Why do we lock up kids who have not committed crimes?
While we try to teach our children all about life … Our children teach us what life is about!
I wish that I could be like the cool kids, because all the cool kids, they seem to get it.
We’re all just kids posting are professionals, counting the days until Friday.
Time spent playing with children is never wasted.
Don’t wait for the perfect moment take the moment and make it perfect.
There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.
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Happy Boss Day Wishes
Happy Boss Day Wishes
Somebody on the team suggested emailing you a special Boss’s Day message. But, according to the company policy, that would personal and we could never do anything like that. Ever! Happy Boss’s Day
Do we get a raise for celebrating you on Boss’s Day? Just asking Happy Boss’s Day!
Your talents lie in your ability to encourage and inspire. You’re a fantastic leader that we respect and admire. Happy Boss’s Day
You are always working. After looking at you bust your butt all of the time, we feel like we need a vacation as much as you! Happy Boss’s Day!
You are who you are and that’s what makes working with you a pleasure. Happy Boss’s Day!
You should spend your Boss’s Day doing exactly what you want to do. It’s like all the other days of your life, except with a really nice name to it! Happy Boss’s Day!
Hope today your day is filled with the special kind of thoughtfulness you always bring to work.
“Executive: A man who talks to visitors so the other employees can get their work done.”
Nice to know and nice to work for – you’re the best kind of boss.
When you correct me on what I prepare, you correct me not just once, you correct me forever. Thank you for being a friend and a boss.
You are my combo offer – A Great Boss and A Great Mentor! Thank you for mentoring me.
Today, to honor you, we all are making a commitment to WORK! Happy Boss’s Day!
We all listen to you. True, everyone doesn’t always do what you say, when you say it. But we ARE listening! Happy Boss’s Day!
We don’t mind burning the midnight oil for a boss like you. We also don’t mind getting paid overtime and triple time for it! Happy Boss’s Day!
We learn from watching you and love coming to work because we have a fantastic boss like you. Happy Boss’s Day
It takes a special kind of person to be a great boss -and you do it all so well.
Thanks for your wonderful way of making people feel valued and included.
There’s the teeny. There’s the tiny. Then, there’s the one that nobody likes the micro. So happy that we don’t have to worry about you being a “micro” manager. It would make our lives miserable! Thanks for being you. Happy Boss’s Day!
This is a fantastic team to work on. You’re the one that has helped to keep it that way and we all are thankful! Happy Boss’s Day!
Not every boss is nice. We really hit the jackpot with you! Happy Boss’s Day!
A good leader sees not just who we are… But inspires us to be who we can be… your vision and dedication are really inspiring us to be a team. Thank you for your passion and for everything you do. Have a great Boss’ Day.
You know how hectic it is here, sometimes. We never really let co-workers know how much we appreciate them. So, today, that’s what we all wanted to do. We appreciate you! Happy Boss’s Day!
Anyone can boss around but it takes special quality to become a true leader. Happy to be a part of your team!
Your vision, inspiration and innovation have always made working with you a pleasure. You make a wonderful boss!
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Waqt Shayari in Hindi
Waqt Shayari in Hindi
Phir Kab Milenge Yeh Unhone Pucha Nahi Kyu Ho Rahe Hain Juda Yeh Humne Bataya Nahi Kab Unke Aansuo Ne Humko Bewafa Kaha Pata Hi Nahi Bus Woh Waqt Hi Kuch Aisa Tha Jisko Humne Pehchana Nahi…
Jaanu Main Uski Har Ek Baat Aaj Bhi Yaad Aati Hai Wo Pehli Mulaqat Gujre Wo Lamhe Wo Din Aur Raat Yahi To Hai Waqt Ki Mujh Ko Saugaat
Jo Mila Waqt To Bulaunga Use Us Ke Diye Zakhm Bhi Dikhaunga Use Us Ki Ye Tamanna Bhi Puri Karunga Ek Roz Jab Niklegi Aakhri Saans Bhool Jayunga Use…
Paison ki Daud Me Aise Daude, Ki Thakne ka Bhi Waqt Nahi,Paraye Ehsason Ki Kya Kadr Karein, Jab Apane Sapno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Tumhe Yaad Karne Wale Kum Na Hoonge, Waqt K Saath Shayad Hum Na Hoonge, Tum Kisi Ko Kitna Bhi Yaad Karo, Magar Tumhari Yaado Ke Hakdaar Sirf Hum Hoonge…
Kaisa Waqt Hey Usay Fursat Nahe Muje Yad Krne Ki, Kabhi Wo Shaks Meri He Sanso Se Jia Krta Tha…
Beshak Kuch Waqt Ka Intzaar Mila Humko, Par Khuda Se Badkar Yaar Mila Humko, Na Rahi Tamanna Kisi Jannat Ki, Dosti Mein Itna Pyaar Mila Humko..
Maa Ki Loree Ka Ehsaas To Hai, Par Maa Ko Maa Kehne Ka Waqt Nah, Saare Rishton Ko To Hum Maar Chuke, Ab Unhe Dafnane Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Waqt Ki Aanch Me Patthar Bhi Pighal Jaate Hai, Khushi Ke Lamhe Gum Me Badal Jaate Hai,Kaun Karta Hai Yaad Kissi Ko Yaara, Waqt Ke Saath Khayalaat Bhi Badal Jaate Hai..
Waqt Ne Sari Kahani Hi Badal Dali, Pyar Ka Naam Jo Aata Hai To Dar Lagta Hai, Zakham Kuch Aise Bhi Apno Ne Diye Hai Mujhko, Ab Koi Haath Milata Hai To Dar Lagta Hai…
Waqt Ki Dhoop Ho Ya Baarish, Kuch Kadmon Ke Nishan Kabhi Nahi Khote,Jinhe Yaad Karke Khush Hoti Hai Aankhen, Wo Log Duur Hokar Bhi Duur Nahi Hote!
Waqt se jyada zindagi mein, Koi bhi apna aur paraya nahi hota. Agar waqt apna h to sabhi apne hote hai, Aur agar waqt hi paraya ho to, Apne bhi paraye ho jate hain.
Kabhi Ek Lamha Aisa bhi Aata Hai, Jisme beeta Hua kal Nazar ata Hai, Bas Yaadein Reh Jati Hai Yaad krne K Liye, Aur Waqt Sab Kuch Leke Guzar Jata Hai !!
Koi achha lage to usse pyar mat karna Uske liye neendein bekaar mat karna Do din to aayenge khushi se milne Teesre din kahenge mera intezar mat karna
Ajab Paheliya Hai Mere In Hathon Ki Laakiron Mein Safar To Likha Hai Magar Manzeelon Ka Nishaan Nahi!!
Waqt Se Lad Kar Jo Apna Nasib Badal De, Insan Wahi Jo Apni Taqdir Badal De, Kal Kya Hoga Kabhi Na Socho, Kya Pata Kal Waqt Khud Apni Tasveer Badal de.
वक़्त रहता नही कहीं टिककर इसकी आदत भी आदमी सी है.
इस जज़्ब-ए-ग़म के बारे में एक मशविरा तुमसे लेना है उस वक़्त मुझे क्या लाज़िम है जब तुम पे मेरा दिल आ जाए.
ऐ रहबर-ए-कामिल चलने को तैयार तो हुँ पर याद रहे उस वक़्त मुझे भटका देना जब सामने मंज़िल आ जाए.
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Happy Birthday Status in English
Happy Birthday Status in English
May God shower his choicest blessings on you. Wishing you happiness, good health and a great year ahead.
Just Dropped In To Wish You A Birthday Full Of Happiest!!
Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.
Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the more you have the longer you live.
All I got you for your birthday was this post. Hope you enjoy it! Try not to read it all at once. Happy Birthday.
God could not be everywhere and so he made mother happy birthday mom and i love you.
Thank you for such a nice gesture when you greeted me for my birthday. It was better than a material gift.
You are the most gifted person on this world. Happy birthday to my best friend.
Thank you for adding to the joyful spirit of my birthday party with your presence and lovely gift.
May your day filled with the warm sunshine of love, Happiness & Joy, and the bright color of laughter.
Forget the fact that you are ageing, and let us start celebrating! Happy birthday!
Better early than late, especially when it comes to wishing my best mate. Happy birthday.
May every glowing candle on your cake transform into a wish that will turn into reality.
I wish you a very Happy and warm Birthday. Your friendship has touched all of us.
May you get all you desire.
I pray that your birthday is rich in good faith and love as you celebrate another year of blessed life, dear friend.
Birthdays are the milestones of this adventurous journey which we call life.
Its another birthday for you.God picked another petals on your flower, wishing your flowers may bloom for year. MANY more happy return’s of the day.
Life is very short, So enjoy every moment, Don’t lose your confidence go always ahead Happy birthday.
In soft gleaming of stars….may all your dreams come true, may every star of every night bring love and joy to you happy birthday..
Thinking of you and the good times we spent make me smile! Happy birthday to a friend who is always close to my heart.
Believing hear, what you deserve to hear: Your birthday as my own to me is dear. But yours gives most, for mine did only lend Me to the world, yours gave to me a friend.
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Winter Status in English
Winter Status in English
Aey January, Tu toh December ka bhi Bap nikla.
The spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter.
I like the smell of clay, but now it’s winter.
does anyone else feel that in the winter you are all of a sudden interested in the weather.
I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment.
Cold weather is the perfect excuse for hugging.
Another month. Another year. Another smile. Another tear. Another winter and another summer too. But there can never be another you.
I’m the kind of person who drinks hot chocolate in the summer and eats ice cream in the winter.
I think I should make a girlfriend.
Winters are never cold if you have warm memories of someone special.
Cold weather is the perfect excuse for hugging.
Hi, December I am so ready for Christmas movies and Christmas Songs and snow and all that other sappy amazing winter stuff.
I just love winter.
Dear sardi, don’t make me dardi.
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Happy Karwa Chauth Status in English
Happy Karwa Chauth Status in English
The moon is shining brightly. The festival mood is all around but you are so far away. Sweetheart, I miss you much on this Karva Chauth!
Sending you my heartiest Karva Chauth wishes just to let you know you are special for every beginning in my life!
Hope this day strengthens the bond of love between you two. May the almighty bless you with a happy and long married life. Happy Karwa Chauth!
May this Moon light fill your life with Cheer, Hilarity, Vivacity and Harmony. Happy Karva Chauth!
The moon is shining brightly the festive mood is all around. Happy Karwa Chauth!
Open your eyes the moon is nice forget your bad dreams. Have a new start in the very night because it’s a Karva Chauth. Happy Karva Chauth
May this day fill your life with lots of love. Happy Karva Chauth!
The moon is shining brightly… The festive mood is all around… But you are so far away… Sweetheart, I miss you so much, On this Karwa Chauth.
As you worship the Moon God… and pray fot the long life of your husband… May you be blessed with… All that you heart desires. Happy Karwa Chauth
Karva Chauth is that one day celebration that comes annually and is observed by women in India for the welfare and health of their husbands.
Happy Karvachauth Pray, the Sindoor adorns the forehead of every woman. Let God Bless you for a long and a Happy married Life. Happy Karwa Chauth!!!
Dear Honey, Sending you my warm wishes on Karwa Chauth… for a long happy married life….
Hope this day makes the bond of our marriage stronger. Happy Karwa Chauth to My Sweet Loving Wife!
The Moon is shining brightly.. the festival mood is all around.. but u r so far away.. Sweetheart, I miss u much.. On this Karwa Chauth !
On this Karwa Chauth, sending my heartfelt wishes you way. May all your prayers for your husband’s well being, be answered today and always. Happy Karwa Chauth.
May The Sindoor, Testify Your Prayers, For Your Husband’s Long Life. The Mangal Sutra Reminds You Of, The Promises That Binds You. And The Color Of Mehndi, Prove The Depth Of Your Love.
The Moon is shining brightly.. the festival mood is all around.. but u r so far away.. Sweetheart, I miss u much.. On this Karwa Chauth !
This Moon, this night. It’s so romantic! it drives me crazy. I want to hug you I want to be with you. I miss you. Happy Karwa Chauth!
Hope this day strengthens the bond of love between you two. May the almighty bless you with a happy and long married life. Happy Karwa Chauth!
We’ll make life a bed of roses, no pain, no loss and no fear. You simply ask to God for our togetherness and I will do the rest. Happy Karva Chauth!
On this blessed night, may the jingling of churis, fill your life with Good luck, the twinkling of payal, announce your love for hum. Happy Karva Chauth!
When we started we were friends, but that’s not how this fairy tale is going to end, see I was thinking and it clicked one day, that no one else has ever made me feel this way. Happy Karwa Chauth!
May the Sindhoor testify your prayers (worship) for your husband’s longest life and prove the depth of your heartiest love.
Read Also :
Happy Karwa Chauth Wishes in English
Happy Karwa Chauth Wishes in English
The moon is shining brightly. The festival mood is all around but you are so far away. Sweetheart, I miss you much on this Karva Chauth!
Sending you my heartiest Karva Chauth wishes just to let you know you are special for every beginning in my life!
Hope this day strengthens the bond of love between you two. May the almighty bless you with a happy and long married life. Happy Karwa Chauth!
May this Moon light fill your life with Cheer, Hilarity, Vivacity and Harmony. Happy Karva Chauth!
The moon is shining brightly the festive mood is all around. Happy Karwa Chauth!
Open your eyes the moon is nice forget your bad dreams. Have a new start in the very night because it’s a Karva Chauth. Happy Karva Chauth
May this day fill your life with lots of love. Happy Karva Chauth!
The moon is shining brightly… The festive mood is all around… But you are so far away… Sweetheart, I miss you so much, On this Karwa Chauth.
As you worship the Moon God… and pray fot the long life of your husband… May you be blessed with… All that you heart desires. Happy Karwa Chauth
Karva Chauth is that one day celebration that comes annually and is observed by women in India for the welfare and health of their husbands.
Happy Karvachauth Pray, the Sindoor adorns the forehead of every woman. Let God Bless you for a long and a Happy married Life. Happy Karwa Chauth!!!
Dear Honey, Sending you my warm wishes on Karwa Chauth… for a long happy married life….
Hope this day makes the bond of our marriage stronger. Happy Karwa Chauth to My Sweet Loving Wife!
The Moon is shining brightly.. the festival mood is all around.. but u r so far away.. Sweetheart, I miss u much.. On this Karwa Chauth !
On this Karwa Chauth, sending my heartfelt wishes you way. May all your prayers for your husband’s well being, be answered today and always. Happy Karwa Chauth.
May The Sindoor, Testify Your Prayers, For Your Husband’s Long Life. The Mangal Sutra Reminds You Of, The Promises That Binds You. And The Color Of Mehndi, Prove The Depth Of Your Love.
The Moon is shining brightly.. the festival mood is all around.. but u r so far away.. Sweetheart, I miss u much.. On this Karwa Chauth !
This Moon, this night. It’s so romantic! it drives me crazy. I want to hug you I want to be with you. I miss you. Happy Karwa Chauth!
Hope this day strengthens the bond of love between you two. May the almighty bless you with a happy and long married life. Happy Karwa Chauth!
We’ll make life a bed of roses, no pain, no loss and no fear. You simply ask to God for our togetherness and I will do the rest. Happy Karva Chauth!
On this blessed night, may the jingling of churis, fill your life with Good luck, the twinkling of payal, announce your love for hum. Happy Karva Chauth!
When we started we were friends, but that’s not how this fairy tale is going to end, see I was thinking and it clicked one day, that no one else has ever made me feel this way. Happy Karwa Chauth!
May the Sindhoor testify your prayers (worship) for your husband’s longest life and prove the depth of your heartiest love.
Checkout :
Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi
Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi
Aaj mujhe aapka khaas intezaar hai… Apki lambi umar ki mujhe darkaar hai… Jaldi Aana… Happy Karwa Chauth.
Ye biwiyan bhi bohut azeeb hoti hai 364 din pati ko jeene nahi deti aur 1 din Karwa Chauth ka vrat kar marne bhi nahi deti.
किसी ने खूब कहा है : ऐ चाँद तू किस मजहब का है !! ईद भी तेरी और करवाचौथ भी तेरा!!
सुख दुःख मे हम तुम हर पल साथ निभाएंगे, एक जनम नहीं सातो जनम पति-पत्नी बन आएंगे
सनम का चाँद सा चेहरा जब तक न हो निगाहों मे.. कहाँ करवा चौथ तब तक, कहाँ कोई दिवाली है
Karwa Chauth Ka Anand Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Apne Pati Ki Mohabat To Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Na Jane Kyu Par Aaj Kahene Ko Ji Chata He Ke, Karwa Chauth Hi Uske Bhagya Ko Banati He…
चाँद की पूजा करके करती हूँ मैं तेरी सलामती की दुआ, तुझे लग जाये मेरी भी उमर गम रहे हर पल जुदा
Mohabbat aik aisi bhi, Khuda ki banai moti si, Bhukh pyaas se aur chamke, Aise fitrat karva chauth ki jyoti si.
खुद सारे दिन भूखी रहकर अपने पति के लिए अच्छे स्वास्थ्य तथा लम्बी उम्र की कामना करने वाली भारतीय नारी को दिल से नमन
Pura din hai aaj hamara upavas, Pati aaye jaldi yahi he aas, Na todna hamari ye aas, Kyu ke aaj he karva chauth, Aaj ke din mat karna humara uphaas
Aaye to sang laye khushiyan hazar, Har saal manayein hum yeh tyohar,Bhar de hamara daaman khushiyon ke sath, De jaye umar tumhe hazaar hazaar saal!
Karva Chauth Ke Din Bada Khush Hota Hai, Kyu Ki Woh DIn Bada Hi Shubh Hota Hai, Rakhte Hain Us Din Pati Ke Liye Vrat, Kyu Ki Dil Mein Unki Lambi Umar Ki Wish Hoti Hai
“Chand ki chamak ke sath, sanso ki mahak ke sath, sharadha ki raat liye, viswas ki saugat liye, dil se tumhare liye hai khas ye karwa chauth.
“Aaj ka din bada khaas hai, Aap ke aane ki aas hai, Thodi bhook thodi pyaas hai, Aap nahi bas aapka aehsaas hai.
“Karwachauth Ka Din Hai, Tumhaari Yaadon Se Bhare Hai Hum , Tum Bin Zindagi Kitni Berang Hogi, Ye Soch Ke Kayi Baar Dare Hai Hum.
“Patni karti vart to Pati karta pyar, Tabhi to patni hai tyagti khana har bar, Aisa hi hai Karwa Chauth ka tyohar. Happy Karwa Chauth.”
“Apne hathon mein choodiyan sajaye, mathe pe apne sindoor lagaye, nikle har suhagan chand k intezaar mein, Rab unki har manokamna poori karayein.
“Karwa Chauth aapki zindagi me khushiyan aur saphalta le aayein Ishwar se yahi prathna karte hain. Karwa Chauth ki bahut bahut subhkaamnaye”
“Khushiyan rahen aapke pass, gham nahi, kaamyabi rahen aapke pass, nakamyabi nahi, sab kuch acha ho aapke sath, bura kuch bhi nahi, dua karte hain iss karwa chauth me aapki har dua puri ho.
Apna Humsafar Bana Le Mujhe, Tera Hi Saaya Hun Apna Le Mujhe, Ye Raat Ka Safar Aur Bhi Haseen Ho Jaayega, Tu Aa Ja Mere Sapnon Me Ya Bula Le Mujhe!
Do Baante Unse Ki To Dil Ka Dard Kho Gaya, Logo Ne Humse Pucha Ke Tumko Kya Ho Gaya Bekraar Aankho Se Hans Kar Reh Gaye Ye Bhi Na Kah Ske Ki Hme Pyar Ho Gaya.
Check Also :
Karwa Chauth Status in Hindi
Karwa Chauth Status in Hindi
Aaj mujhe aapka khaas intezaar hai… Apki lambi umar ki mujhe darkaar hai… Jaldi Aana… Happy Karwa Chauth.
Ye biwiyan bhi bohut azeeb hoti hai 364 din pati ko jeene nahi deti aur 1 din Karwa Chauth ka vrat kar marne bhi nahi deti.
किसी ने खूब कहा है : ऐ चाँद तू किस मजहब का है !! ईद भी तेरी और करवाचौथ भी तेरा!!
सुख दुःख मे हम तुम हर पल साथ निभाएंगे, एक जनम नहीं सातो जनम पति-पत्नी बन आएंगे
सनम का चाँद सा चेहरा जब तक न हो निगाहों मे.. कहाँ करवा चौथ तब तक, कहाँ कोई दिवाली है
Karwa Chauth Ka Anand Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Apne Pati Ki Mohabat To Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Na Jane Kyu Par Aaj Kahene Ko Ji Chata He Ke, Karwa Chauth Hi Uske Bhagya Ko Banati He…
चाँद की पूजा करके करती हूँ मैं तेरी सलामती की दुआ, तुझे लग जाये मेरी भी उमर गम रहे हर पल जुदा
Mohabbat aik aisi bhi, Khuda ki banai moti si, Bhukh pyaas se aur chamke, Aise fitrat karva chauth ki jyoti si.
खुद सारे दिन भूखी रहकर अपने पति के लिए अच्छे स्वास्थ्य तथा लम्बी उम्र की कामना करने वाली भारतीय नारी को दिल से नमन
Pura din hai aaj hamara upavas, Pati aaye jaldi yahi he aas, Na todna hamari ye aas, Kyu ke aaj he karva chauth, Aaj ke din mat karna humara uphaas
Aaye to sang laye khushiyan hazar, Har saal manayein hum yeh tyohar,Bhar de hamara daaman khushiyon ke sath, De jaye umar tumhe hazaar hazaar saal!
Karva Chauth Ke Din Bada Khush Hota Hai, Kyu Ki Woh DIn Bada Hi Shubh Hota Hai, Rakhte Hain Us Din Pati Ke Liye Vrat, Kyu Ki Dil Mein Unki Lambi Umar Ki Wish Hoti Hai
“Chand ki chamak ke sath, sanso ki mahak ke sath, sharadha ki raat liye, viswas ki saugat liye, dil se tumhare liye hai khas ye karwa chauth.
“Aaj ka din bada khaas hai, Aap ke aane ki aas hai, Thodi bhook thodi pyaas hai, Aap nahi bas aapka aehsaas hai.
“Karwachauth Ka Din Hai, Tumhaari Yaadon Se Bhare Hai Hum , Tum Bin Zindagi Kitni Berang Hogi, Ye Soch Ke Kayi Baar Dare Hai Hum.
“Patni karti vart to Pati karta pyar, Tabhi to patni hai tyagti khana har bar, Aisa hi hai Karwa Chauth ka tyohar. Happy Karwa Chauth.”
“Apne hathon mein choodiyan sajaye, mathe pe apne sindoor lagaye, nikle har suhagan chand k intezaar mein, Rab unki har manokamna poori karayein.
“Karwa Chauth aapki zindagi me khushiyan aur saphalta le aayein Ishwar se yahi prathna karte hain. Karwa Chauth ki bahut bahut subhkaamnaye”
“Khushiyan rahen aapke pass, gham nahi, kaamyabi rahen aapke pass, nakamyabi nahi, sab kuch acha ho aapke sath, bura kuch bhi nahi, dua karte hain iss karwa chauth me aapki har dua puri ho.
Apna Humsafar Bana Le Mujhe, Tera Hi Saaya Hun Apna Le Mujhe, Ye Raat Ka Safar Aur Bhi Haseen Ho Jaayega, Tu Aa Ja Mere Sapnon Me Ya Bula Le Mujhe!
Do Baante Unse Ki To Dil Ka Dard Kho Gaya, Logo Ne Humse Pucha Ke Tumko Kya Ho Gaya Bekraar Aankho Se Hans Kar Reh Gaye Ye Bhi Na Kah Ske Ki Hme Pyar Ho Gaya.
Also Read :
Karwa Chauth Shayari in Hindi
Karwa Chauth Shayari in Hindi
Aaj mujhe aapka khaas intezaar hai… Apki lambi umar ki mujhe darkaar hai… Jaldi Aana… Happy Karwa Chauth.
Ye biwiyan bhi bohut azeeb hoti hai 364 din pati ko jeene nahi deti aur 1 din Karwa Chauth ka vrat kar marne bhi nahi deti.
किसी ने खूब कहा है : ऐ चाँद तू किस मजहब का है !! ईद भी तेरी और करवाचौथ भी तेरा!!
सुख दुःख मे हम तुम हर पल साथ निभाएंगे, एक जनम नहीं सातो जनम पति-पत्नी बन आएंगे
सनम का चाँद सा चेहरा जब तक न हो निगाहों मे.. कहाँ करवा चौथ तब तक, कहाँ कोई दिवाली है
Karwa Chauth Ka Anand Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Apne Pati Ki Mohabat To Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Na Jane Kyu Par Aaj Kahene Ko Ji Chata He Ke, Karwa Chauth Hi Uske Bhagya Ko Banati He…
चाँद की पूजा करके करती हूँ मैं तेरी सलामती की दुआ, तुझे लग जाये मेरी भी उमर गम रहे हर पल जुदा
Mohabbat aik aisi bhi, Khuda ki banai moti si, Bhukh pyaas se aur chamke, Aise fitrat karva chauth ki jyoti si.
खुद सारे दिन भूखी रहकर अपने पति के लिए अच्छे स्वास्थ्य तथा लम्बी उम्र की कामना करने वाली भारतीय नारी को दिल से नमन
Pura din hai aaj hamara upavas, Pati aaye jaldi yahi he aas, Na todna hamari ye aas, Kyu ke aaj he karva chauth, Aaj ke din mat karna humara uphaas
Aaye to sang laye khushiyan hazar, Har saal manayein hum yeh tyohar,Bhar de hamara daaman khushiyon ke sath, De jaye umar tumhe hazaar hazaar saal!
Karva Chauth Ke Din Bada Khush Hota Hai, Kyu Ki Woh DIn Bada Hi Shubh Hota Hai, Rakhte Hain Us Din Pati Ke Liye Vrat, Kyu Ki Dil Mein Unki Lambi Umar Ki Wish Hoti Hai
“Chand ki chamak ke sath, sanso ki mahak ke sath, sharadha ki raat liye, viswas ki saugat liye, dil se tumhare liye hai khas ye karwa chauth.
“Aaj ka din bada khaas hai, Aap ke aane ki aas hai, Thodi bhook thodi pyaas hai, Aap nahi bas aapka aehsaas hai.
“Karwachauth Ka Din Hai, Tumhaari Yaadon Se Bhare Hai Hum , Tum Bin Zindagi Kitni Berang Hogi, Ye Soch Ke Kayi Baar Dare Hai Hum.
“Patni karti vart to Pati karta pyar, Tabhi to patni hai tyagti khana har bar, Aisa hi hai Karwa Chauth ka tyohar. Happy Karwa Chauth.”
“Apne hathon mein choodiyan sajaye, mathe pe apne sindoor lagaye, nikle har suhagan chand k intezaar mein, Rab unki har manokamna poori karayein.
“Karwa Chauth aapki zindagi me khushiyan aur saphalta le aayein Ishwar se yahi prathna karte hain. Karwa Chauth ki bahut bahut subhkaamnaye”
“Khushiyan rahen aapke pass, gham nahi, kaamyabi rahen aapke pass, nakamyabi nahi, sab kuch acha ho aapke sath, bura kuch bhi nahi, dua karte hain iss karwa chauth me aapki har dua puri ho.
Apna Humsafar Bana Le Mujhe, Tera Hi Saaya Hun Apna Le Mujhe, Ye Raat Ka Safar Aur Bhi Haseen Ho Jaayega, Tu Aa Ja Mere Sapnon Me Ya Bula Le Mujhe!
Do Baante Unse Ki To Dil Ka Dard Kho Gaya, Logo Ne Humse Pucha Ke Tumko Kya Ho Gaya Bekraar Aankho Se Hans Kar Reh Gaye Ye Bhi Na Kah Ske Ki Hme Pyar Ho Gaya.
Check Also :
Karwa Chauth Wishes in Hindi
Karwa Chauth Wishes in Hindi
Aaj mujhe aapka khaas intezaar hai… Apki lambi umar ki mujhe darkaar hai… Jaldi Aana… Happy Karwa Chauth.
Ye biwiyan bhi bohut azeeb hoti hai 364 din pati ko jeene nahi deti aur 1 din Karwa Chauth ka vrat kar marne bhi nahi deti.
किसी ने खूब कहा है : ऐ चाँद तू किस मजहब का है !! ईद भी तेरी और करवाचौथ भी तेरा!!
सुख दुःख मे हम तुम हर पल साथ निभाएंगे, एक जनम नहीं सातो जनम पति-पत्नी बन आएंगे
सनम का चाँद सा चेहरा जब तक न हो निगाहों मे.. कहाँ करवा चौथ तब तक, कहाँ कोई दिवाली है
Karwa Chauth Ka Anand Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Apne Pati Ki Mohabat To Ek Stri Hi Janti He, Na Jane Kyu Par Aaj Kahene Ko Ji Chata He Ke, Karwa Chauth Hi Uske Bhagya Ko Banati He…
चाँद की पूजा करके करती हूँ मैं तेरी सलामती की दुआ, तुझे लग जाये मेरी भी उमर गम रहे हर पल जुदा
Mohabbat aik aisi bhi, Khuda ki banai moti si, Bhukh pyaas se aur chamke, Aise fitrat karva chauth ki jyoti si.
खुद सारे दिन भूखी रहकर अपने पति के लिए अच्छे स्वास्थ्य तथा लम्बी उम्र की कामना करने वाली भारतीय नारी को दिल से नमन
Pura din hai aaj hamara upavas, Pati aaye jaldi yahi he aas, Na todna hamari ye aas, Kyu ke aaj he karva chauth, Aaj ke din mat karna humara uphaas
Aaye to sang laye khushiyan hazar, Har saal manayein hum yeh tyohar,Bhar de hamara daaman khushiyon ke sath, De jaye umar tumhe hazaar hazaar saal!
Karva Chauth Ke Din Bada Khush Hota Hai, Kyu Ki Woh DIn Bada Hi Shubh Hota Hai, Rakhte Hain Us Din Pati Ke Liye Vrat, Kyu Ki Dil Mein Unki Lambi Umar Ki Wish Hoti Hai
“Chand ki chamak ke sath, sanso ki mahak ke sath, sharadha ki raat liye, viswas ki saugat liye, dil se tumhare liye hai khas ye karwa chauth.
“Aaj ka din bada khaas hai, Aap ke aane ki aas hai, Thodi bhook thodi pyaas hai, Aap nahi bas aapka aehsaas hai.
“Karwachauth Ka Din Hai, Tumhaari Yaadon Se Bhare Hai Hum , Tum Bin Zindagi Kitni Berang Hogi, Ye Soch Ke Kayi Baar Dare Hai Hum.
“Patni karti vart to Pati karta pyar, Tabhi to patni hai tyagti khana har bar, Aisa hi hai Karwa Chauth ka tyohar. Happy Karwa Chauth.”
“Apne hathon mein choodiyan sajaye, mathe pe apne sindoor lagaye, nikle har suhagan chand k intezaar mein, Rab unki har manokamna poori karayein.
“Karwa Chauth aapki zindagi me khushiyan aur saphalta le aayein Ishwar se yahi prathna karte hain. Karwa Chauth ki bahut bahut subhkaamnaye”
“Khushiyan rahen aapke pass, gham nahi, kaamyabi rahen aapke pass, nakamyabi nahi, sab kuch acha ho aapke sath, bura kuch bhi nahi, dua karte hain iss karwa chauth me aapki har dua puri ho.
Apna Humsafar Bana Le Mujhe, Tera Hi Saaya Hun Apna Le Mujhe, Ye Raat Ka Safar Aur Bhi Haseen Ho Jaayega, Tu Aa Ja Mere Sapnon Me Ya Bula Le Mujhe!
Do Baante Unse Ki To Dil Ka Dard Kho Gaya, Logo Ne Humse Pucha Ke Tumko Kya Ho Gaya Bekraar Aankho Se Hans Kar Reh Gaye Ye Bhi Na Kah Ske Ki Hme Pyar Ho Gaya.
See Also :
Bhai Dooj Wishes in English
Bhai Dooj Wishes in English
You never say no you never say that’s impossible and you never say you cannot. That’s my bro a superman who make things possible and who make paths smoother. I love you Bro.
The pious occasion of Bhaidooj reminds me of the days when we were kids. We fought and made up easily. Those lovely days cannot come back but will always stay in my heart. Missing you darling brother on this Bhaidooj.
Brother. I am glad & lucky to have you!! I love you.
You r my brother, my best friend forever.
I am born lucky, coz I have a one-in-a-million sibling like YOU.
Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.
Brothers and sisters separated by distance, joined by love.
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a super hero.
Yeh Tyohar Hai Kuch Khaas, Bani Rahey Hamare Pyar Ki Yahi Mithas, Happy Bhaidooj
Another fresh Bhai Dooj is here… Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give!
We gain and lose things everyday. But trust me on onething. You’ll never lose me. I will always be here. Happy Bhai Dooj…!!
May this Bhai Dooj strengthen our bond more than ever and bring joy and prosperity. Best wishes for Bhai Dooj.
I want 2 tell u, during the times when we fought, my love was in a different mood. Happy Bhai Dooj BRO!
Bhai Dooj is just an excuse for me to express myself.. You mean the world to me. Happy Bhai Dooj
In Love and Laughter, in pain and happiness you have a good companion.. Love filled wishes on Bhai Dooj.
I am really thankful to God to have the precious gift of a sister like you. Happy Bhaidooj.
I only pray to the Almighty that be it day or night you stay by side. I feel proud to have a brother like you. Happy Bhaidooj.
Your charming smile make my days. With your caring ways you become my second mother. Darling Sister what may come I will always stand by you.
We laugh and cry we play and fight. We shared moments of happiness and sorrows which made our bond stronger. Happy Bhaidooj to you Sis.
Before I utter anything you understand. You have been my friend to whom I can share all my secrets. I love you my darling sister.
Check This :
Bhai Dooj Status in English
Bhai Dooj Status in English
You never say no you never say that’s impossible and you never say you cannot. That’s my bro a superman who make things possible and who make paths smoother. I love you Bro.
The pious occasion of Bhaidooj reminds me of the days when we were kids. We fought and made up easily. Those lovely days cannot come back but will always stay in my heart. Missing you darling brother on this Bhaidooj.
Brother. I am glad & lucky to have you!! I love you.
You r my brother, my best friend forever.
I am born lucky, coz I have a one-in-a-million sibling like YOU.
Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.
Brothers and sisters separated by distance, joined by love.
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a super hero.
Yeh Tyohar Hai Kuch Khaas, Bani Rahey Hamare Pyar Ki Yahi Mithas, Happy Bhaidooj
Another fresh Bhai Dooj is here… Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give!
We gain and lose things everyday. But trust me on onething. You’ll never lose me. I will always be here. Happy Bhai Dooj…!!
May this Bhai Dooj strengthen our bond more than ever and bring joy and prosperity. Best wishes for Bhai Dooj.
I want 2 tell u, during the times when we fought, my love was in a different mood. Happy Bhai Dooj BRO!
Bhai Dooj is just an excuse for me to express myself.. You mean the world to me. Happy Bhai Dooj
In Love and Laughter, in pain and happiness you have a good companion.. Love filled wishes on Bhai Dooj.
I am really thankful to God to have the precious gift of a sister like you. Happy Bhaidooj.
I only pray to the Almighty that be it day or night you stay by side. I feel proud to have a brother like you. Happy Bhaidooj.
Your charming smile make my days. With your caring ways you become my second mother. Darling Sister what may come I will always stand by you.
We laugh and cry we play and fight. We shared moments of happiness and sorrows which made our bond stronger. Happy Bhaidooj to you Sis.
Before I utter anything you understand. You have been my friend to whom I can share all my secrets. I love you my darling sister.
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Bewafa Status in Hindi
Bewafa Status in Hindi
“सोचता रहा ये रातभर. करवट बदल बदलकर, जानें वो क्यों बदल गया, मुझको इतना बदलकर ।”
“तन्हा रहना तो सीख लिया हमने,लेकिन खुश कभी ना रह पाएंगे, तेरी दूरी तो फिर भी सह लेता ये दिल, लेकिन तेरी मोहब्बत के बिना ना जी पाएंगे.”
“सासों मे भी शामिल हो, लहू मे भी रवा हो, मगर मेरे हाथो की लकीरो मे कहा हो…”
“सुनो कोई टूट रहा है तुम्हे एहसास दिलाते दिलाते , सीख भी जाओ किसी की चाहत की कदर.”
Mohabbat hai meri isliye door hai mujhse.. Agar zidd hoti to shaam tak bahon mein hoti
“अजीब सा दर्द है इन दिनों यारों, न बताऊं तो ‘कायर’, बताऊँ तो ‘शायर’।।”
बहाना क्यु बनाते हो नाराज होने का कह क्यु नही देते के अब दिल मे जगह नही तुम्हारे लिए.
“बहुत अमीर होती है ये शराब की बोतलें पैसा चाहे जो भी लग जाए सारे ग़म ख़रीद लेतीं है…!”
“न जख्म भरे, न शराब सहारा हुई न वो वापस लौटी न मोहब्बत दोबारा हुई !”
“किसी को न पाने से जिंदगी खत्म नही होती, लेकिन किसी को पा कर , खो देने से ….. कुछ भी बाकी नही रहता”
“अब तुझसे शिकायत करना,मेरे हक मे नहीं क्युकी तू आरजू मेरी थी,पर अमानत शायद किसी और की ।”
“मुझे रुला कर सोना तो तेरी आदत बन गई है, जिस दिन मेरी आँख ना खुली बेशक तुझे नींद से नफरत हो जायगी..”
“याद रहेगा हमेंशा यह दर्दे हयात हमको भी, कि क्या खूब तरसे थे ज़िन्दगी में एक शख्स की खातिर।”
“माना की तेरे प्यार का में मालिक नहीं,पर कीरायेदार का भी कुछ हक्क तो बनता हैं !!”
“अफ़सोस तो है तेरे बदल जाने का मगर, तेरी कुछ बातों ने मुझे जीना सिखा दिया.”
क्या मिला प्यार में अपनी ज़िंदगी के लिए; रोज़ आँसू ही पिए हैं मैंने किसी के लिए;
और ज्यादा भड़काते हो तुम तो आग मोहब्बत की; सोजिश-ए-दिल को ऐ अश्को, क्या ख़ाक बुझाना सीखे हो।
दिल में हर राज़ दबा कर रखते हैं; होंठों पे मुस्कुराहट सज़ा के रखते हैं;
यह दुनिया सिर्फ ख़ुशी में साथ देती है; इसलिए हम अपने आँसुओं को छुपा कर रखते हैं।
Hasne Ki Justju Mein Dabaya Jo Dard Ko, Aansoo Hamari Aankh Mein Pathar Ke Ho Gaye!!
अजीब रंग में गुजरी है जिंदगी अपनी.दिलो पर राज़ किया और मोहब्बत को तरसे…
“यादों की किम्मत वो क्या जाने, जो ख़ुद यादों के मिटा दिए करते हैं, यादों का मतलब तो उनसे पूछो जो, यादों के सहारे जिया करते हैं…”
“दर्द से दोस्ती हो गई यारों; जिंदगी बे दर्द हो गई यारों; क्या हुआ जो जल गया आशियाना हमारा; दूर तक रोशनी तो हो गई यारो”
“मुझे ऐसी शराब बता ये दोस्त नशा-ए-इश्क उतार पाऊ मै..”
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Best Instagram Captions
Best Instagram Captions
If I delete Ur number, U’re basically deleted from my life…
Not forget someone, who gave you so much to remember…
Life is dumb and I want to sleep….
You don’t have to like me, I’m not an Instagram Picture.
Being single is smarter than _being in the wrong relationship.
I don’t need to explain myself because, I know I’m right.
Sometimes one hello, makes U never want to say goodbye…
Silence is the most powerful scream.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
OMG nobody cares
Can I film U while you sleep? U’re so cute
Hating me doesn’t make U pretty.
Awesome ends with ME and Ugly starts with U.
Never cry for that person who doesn’t know the value of your tears
Don’t play dumb with me. That’s a game you can’t win.
I got back with my Ex…Box 360
A girl’s status will tell U more about how she feels than she ever will…
I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode…
If I agreed with you we both were wrong.
Always respects yourself!
The pain U feel today is the strength U feel tomorrow.
If I die tomorrow, will you remember me?
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Intezaar Shayari
Intezaar Shayari
Aaj Mausam Ko Kya Ho Gaya Dost Mera Jaane Kahan Kho Gaya Hum To Uske MSG Ka Intezaar Karte Reh Gaye Par Lagta Hai Koi Aur Uske MSG Ka Haqdar Ho Gaya…
Usne Kaha Ab Kiska Intezaar Hai, Maine Kaha Ab Bhi Mohabbat Baaki Hai, Usne Kaha Tu Toh Kab Ka Guzar Chuka Hai ‘Masroor’, Maine Kaha Ab Bhi Mera Hausla Baaki Hai…
Unka vaada hai ki wo laut k aayenge, isi ummid par hum jiye jayenge, ye intejar bhi unki hi tarah pyara hai, kar rhe the, kar rhe hain aur kiye jayenge…
Char dino ki chahat mein umar bhar ka intezar hai, Mohabbat ek aisi majburi hai jisme sab lachar hain, Juda nahi kar sakti ab maut bhi mujhe teri yaadon se, Aur ek zindagi hai jo har pal tere liye beqarar hai…
Kabhi to hume bhi yaad karoge Do pal mere liye bhi barbaad karoge Intezaar rahega hume bhi Qayamat takhum bhi to dekhe tu akhir kab tak hume pyaar na karoge…
खबर नहीं मुझे यह जिन्दगी कहाँ ले जाए; कहीं ठहर के मेरा इंतज़ार मत करना।
Unki Apni Marzi Ho, To Wo Humse Baat Karte Hain… Aur Hamara Pagalpan Dekho Ki Sara Din Unki Marzi Ka Intezaar Karte Hain
Kyu Mere Liye Koi Intzar Karega, Apni Zindgi Mere Liye Bekrar Karega. Me Kya Hu Meri Hasti Hi Kya Hai, Kya Dekhkar Humse Koi Pyar Karega !!
Bahut Ho Chuka Intezaar Unka, Ab Aur Zakham Sahe Jaate Nahi, Kya Bayaan Karein Unke Sitam Ko, Dard Unke Kahe Jate Nahi…
Zindagi Hasin Hai Zindagi Se Pyaar Karo, Hai Rat To Subah Ka Intzar Karo, Wo Pal Bhi Ayega Jiska Intzaar Hai Aap Ko, Rab Pr Bhrosa Or Waqt Pe Aitbar Rakho… ….
ab kaise kahu ki tujhse pyar hai kitna tu kya jaane bedardi tera intezaar hai kitna
tum dekhna yeh intezaar rang layega zaroor ek roz aagan me mausam ae bahar aayega zaroor
usi din ke intezaar me kaanto pe chal raha hoo ghar me nahi sajan angaro me pal raha hoo
Kho Gayi Shaam Kisi ke Intezar Mein, Dhal Gayi Raat Kisi ke Intezar Mein, Fir Hua Savera Kisi ke Intezar Mein, Intezar Ki Aadat Ho Gayi Kisi ke Intezar Mein..
Tera Intezaar Mujhe Har Pal Rehta Hai, Har Lamha Mujhe Tera Ehsaas Rehta Hai, Tujh Bin Dhadkane Rukk Si Jaati Hai, Ki Tu Mere Dil Me Meri Dhadkan Banke Rehta Hai.
Sukhe Patte se Pyar kar Lenge, Tumhara Aitbaar Kar Lenge, Tum ye to Kaho ki Hum Tumhare h, Hum Jindagi Bhar Intezaar Kar lenge.
Tere intezaar ke maare hai hum Sirf teri he yaado ke sahare hai hum Tujhe chaha tha jeetna is duniya se Or aaj tere he haatho haare hai hum
Deedar ko tere tarasne lage hai hum Intezar mai tere tadapne lage hai hum Jaise shakho se patte girke bikhar jate hai Tutkar waise he bikharne lage hai hum
Mat Intzar karvao hame Itna, Ki waqt ke faisle par afsos ho jaye. Kya pata kal tum laut kar aao, Or hum sada ke liye khamosh ho jayein.
Phir Aaj Koi Gazal Tere Naam Na Ho Jaye Kahin Likhte Likhte Shaam Na Ho JayeKar Rahe Hain Intezaar Teri Mohabbat Ka Isi Intezaar Me Zindagi Tamam Na Ho Jaye
हमने ये शाम चराग़ों से सजा रक्खी है; आपके इंतजार में पलके बिछा रखी हैं; हवा टकरा रही है शमा से बार-बार; और हमने शर्त इन हवाओं से लगा रक्खी है।
आँखों में बसी है प्यारी सूरत तेरी; और दिल में बसा है तेरा प्यार; चाहे तू कबूल करे या ना करे; हमें रहेगा तेरा इंतज़ार!
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Lonely Shayari
Lonely Shayari
Ab to un ki yaad bhi aati nahin, Kitni tanha ho gayin tanhaayiyan..
Manzile Bhi Uski Thi Rasta Bhi Uska ThaEk Main Akela Tha, Kafila Bi Uska Tha Sath-Sath Chalne Ki Soch Bi Uski Thi Fir Raasta Badalne Ka Faisla Bhi Uska Tha.
Chiraagon Ki Roshni Jab Zara Hili Laga Tumhari Ek Aahat Si Mili Jaake Dekha Jab Dar Pe To Phir Wahi Zaalim Hawa Mili
Aik Pal Ka Ehsas Bankar Ate Ho Tum Dosre Hi Pal Khuwab Bankar Ur Jate Ho Tum Janty Ho K Lagta Hia Dar Tanhaiyo se Phr Be Bar Bar Tanha Chor jate ho Tum
Geele Kagaz Ki Tarah Hain Zindagi Apni Koi Jalata Bhi Nahin Koi Bahata Bhi Nahin Is Qadar Hain Akale Rahaon Mein Dil Ki Koi Bulata Bhi Nahi Koi Batlata Bhi Nahin.
Dard Me Koi Mausam Pyaara Nai Hota Dil Ho Pyasa To Pani Se Guzara Nai Hota Koi Dekhe To Hamari Bebassi Hum Sab Ke Ho Jate Par Koi Hamara Nahi Hota
Is Do Pal Ki Zindagi Mein Tanhai Kyu Hai ? Logon Ko Humse Ruswai Kyu Hai ? Is Duniya Mein Insane Kam To Nahin Phir Mere Saath Sirf Meri Parchai Kyu Hai
Udaas Muskurahaton Ke Peeche, Ghum Ke Railay Hain Ab Tumhain Kya Batayain, Ke Tum Bin Kitne Akele Hain
Mulakat Bhi Kabi Aansu De Jati Hai Nazren Bhi Kabi Dhokha De Jati Hai Gujre Hue Lamho Ko Yaad Krke Dekhiye… Tanhai Bhi Kbi Kabi Sukoon De Jati Hai
Ab Bhi Taaza Hai Zakhm Seene Mein, Bin Tere Kya Rakha Hai Jeene Mein, Hum To Zinda Hain Tera Sath Paane Ko, Warna Dair Kitni Lagti Hai Zaher Peene Mein
Hum Nikle the pyar ki Talaash main…. Badi muskil se unko dhundha, unhone je soch kar alwida keh diya…. Gareeb lok hai mohabat ke siva kya denge
Gila aap se nahi koi, Gila hum apni majbooriyon se karte hain. Aap aaj hamare karib naa sahi….. Mohabbat to hum aapki dooriyon se bhi karte hain…
Milne ki khushi hai ya bichhadne ka gum, Ankhon mein aansu hai ya udas hai hum, Kaise kahain ki kaise hain hum, Bas itna samajh lena ki tum bin bohut akele hai hum.
Tum Haqeeqat Ho Ya Faraib Meri Aankhon Ka Na Dil Say Niqaltay Ho Na Zindagi Mein Aatey Ho…!
Ham Ne Kab Un Say Mulaqat Ka Waada Chaha Door Reh Kar To Unhe Aur Bhi Ziyada Chaha Yaad Aaye Hamen Aur Bhi Shidat Say Who Bhool Jane Ka Unhe Jab Bhi Iraada Chaha
Khayal me aata hai jab us ka chehra, To labon pe aksar faryaad aati hai, Hum bhool jate hai us k sare sitam, Jab us ki thori si mohabbat yaad aati hai…
Kitni raaten beet gai, kitne din beet gaye. Bus beeta nahin to yaadon ka vo pal, wo guzra hua kal, Beeti nahin to aankhon ki nami, aur aapki kami.
Meri Aawaz Usay Sunai nahi deti, Ab to door tak koi Umeed bhi Dikhai nahi deti,Ehsas Usay Aur Sab Logon ka hai, Bus meri hi Tanhai Usay Dikhai nahi deti
किन लफ़्ज़ों में बंया करूँ मैं अपने दर्द को, सुनने वाले तो बहुत है मगर समझने वाला कोई नहीं…
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Alone Shayari
Alone Shayari
Ab to un ki yaad bhi aati nahin, Kitni tanha ho gayin tanhaayiyan..
Manzile Bhi Uski Thi Rasta Bhi Uska ThaEk Main Akela Tha, Kafila Bi Uska Tha Sath-Sath Chalne Ki Soch Bi Uski Thi Fir Raasta Badalne Ka Faisla Bhi Uska Tha.
Chiraagon Ki Roshni Jab Zara Hili Laga Tumhari Ek Aahat Si Mili Jaake Dekha Jab Dar Pe To Phir Wahi Zaalim Hawa Mili
Aik Pal Ka Ehsas Bankar Ate Ho Tum Dosre Hi Pal Khuwab Bankar Ur Jate Ho Tum Janty Ho K Lagta Hia Dar Tanhaiyo se Phr Be Bar Bar Tanha Chor jate ho Tum
Geele Kagaz Ki Tarah Hain Zindagi Apni Koi Jalata Bhi Nahin Koi Bahata Bhi Nahin Is Qadar Hain Akale Rahaon Mein Dil Ki Koi Bulata Bhi Nahi Koi Batlata Bhi Nahin.
Dard Me Koi Mausam Pyaara Nai Hota Dil Ho Pyasa To Pani Se Guzara Nai Hota Koi Dekhe To Hamari Bebassi Hum Sab Ke Ho Jate Par Koi Hamara Nahi Hota
Is Do Pal Ki Zindagi Mein Tanhai Kyu Hai ? Logon Ko Humse Ruswai Kyu Hai ? Is Duniya Mein Insane Kam To Nahin Phir Mere Saath Sirf Meri Parchai Kyu Hai
Udaas Muskurahaton Ke Peeche, Ghum Ke Railay Hain Ab Tumhain Kya Batayain, Ke Tum Bin Kitne Akele Hain
Mulakat Bhi Kabi Aansu De Jati Hai Nazren Bhi Kabi Dhokha De Jati Hai Gujre Hue Lamho Ko Yaad Krke Dekhiye… Tanhai Bhi Kbi Kabi Sukoon De Jati Hai
Ab Bhi Taaza Hai Zakhm Seene Mein, Bin Tere Kya Rakha Hai Jeene Mein, Hum To Zinda Hain Tera Sath Paane Ko, Warna Dair Kitni Lagti Hai Zaher Peene Mein
Hum Nikle the pyar ki Talaash main…. Badi muskil se unko dhundha, unhone je soch kar alwida keh diya…. Gareeb lok hai mohabat ke siva kya denge
Gila aap se nahi koi, Gila hum apni majbooriyon se karte hain. Aap aaj hamare karib naa sahi….. Mohabbat to hum aapki dooriyon se bhi karte hain…
Milne ki khushi hai ya bichhadne ka gum, Ankhon mein aansu hai ya udas hai hum, Kaise kahain ki kaise hain hum, Bas itna samajh lena ki tum bin bohut akele hai hum.
Tum Haqeeqat Ho Ya Faraib Meri Aankhon Ka Na Dil Say Niqaltay Ho Na Zindagi Mein Aatey Ho…!
Ham Ne Kab Un Say Mulaqat Ka Waada Chaha Door Reh Kar To Unhe Aur Bhi Ziyada Chaha Yaad Aaye Hamen Aur Bhi Shidat Say Who Bhool Jane Ka Unhe Jab Bhi Iraada Chaha
Khayal me aata hai jab us ka chehra, To labon pe aksar faryaad aati hai, Hum bhool jate hai us k sare sitam, Jab us ki thori si mohabbat yaad aati hai…
Kitni raaten beet gai, kitne din beet gaye. Bus beeta nahin to yaadon ka vo pal, wo guzra hua kal, Beeti nahin to aankhon ki nami, aur aapki kami.
Meri Aawaz Usay Sunai nahi deti, Ab to door tak koi Umeed bhi Dikhai nahi deti,Ehsas Usay Aur Sab Logon ka hai, Bus meri hi Tanhai Usay Dikhai nahi deti
किन लफ़्ज़ों में बंया करूँ मैं अपने दर्द को, सुनने वाले तो बहुत है मगर समझने वाला कोई नहीं…
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